i-FARM News

i-FARM News

i-FARM Launches in Ghana

Sat Jul 27 2024

5 min read
It's time to transform African agriculture

Written By i-FARM Media Team

Through extensive analysis, the i-FARM team discovered major value leakages throughout the agricultural chain including exorbitant input markups, avoidable post-harvest losses and wasted uncultivated arable land. Identifying and determining fixes for all major value outflows could take decades, however, we believe someone's already done the heavy lifting: Farmers.

African Farmers are persistent, smart, capable and experienced. They navigate harsh economic headwinds regularly but are still able to produce enough value to take care of their families. Constantly innovating to maximize yields and minimize losses, farmers have built decades of experience that no agritech startup could rival, so our value proposition is simple: Give the farmers the tools to survive and they will thrive!

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