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i-FARM: Transforming African Agriculture

Through extensive analysis, the i-FARM team discovered major value leakages throughout the agricultural chain including exorbitant input markups, avoidable post-harvest losses and wasted uncultivated arable land. Identifying and determining fixes for all major value outflows could take decades, however, we believe someone's already done the heavy lifting: Farmers.

African Farmers are persistent, smart, capable and experienced. They navigate harsh economic headwinds regularly but are still able to produce enough value to take care of their families. Constantly innovating to maximize yields and minimize losses, farmers have built decades of experience that no agritech startup could rival, so our value proposition is simple: Give the farmers the tools to survive and they will thrive!

Through extensive analysis, the i-FARM team discovered major value leakages throughout the agricultural chain including exorbitant input markups, avoidable post-harvest losses and wasted uncultivated arable land. Identifying and determining fixes for all major value outflows could take decades, however, we believe someone's already done the heavy lifting: Farmers. African Farmers are persistent, smart, capable and experienced. They navigate harsh economic headwinds regularly but are still able to produce enough value to take care of their families. Constantly innovating to maximize yields and minimize losses, farmers have built decades of experience that no agritech startup could rival, so our value proposition is simple: Give the farmers the tools to survive and they will thrive!


i-FARM Launches in Ghana

It's time to transform African agriculture

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Don't miss your chance to join the revolution

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i-FARM Looking For Partners

Let's come together to better African agriculture

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How Can i-FARM Help You?

So, how can we help you? Give us a call, send us an email or fill out the form linked below and talk us through the challenge you are facing. We will analyze all the details of your case and provide a capital package at competitive terms, farming inputs at a reasonable price or access to value-multiplying agricultural machinery, if there is a mutually-beneficial value-creation opportunity.


How Can i-FARM Help You?

So, how can we help you? Give us a call, send us an email or fill out the form linked below and talk us through the challenge you are facing. We will analyze all the details of your case and provide a capital package at competitive terms, farming inputs at a reasonable price or access to value-multiplying agricultural machinery, if there is a mutually-beneficial value-creation opportunity.

So, how can we help you? Give us a call, send us an email or fill out the form linked below and talk us through the challenge you are facing. We will analyze all the details of your case and provide a capital package at competitive terms, farming inputs at a reasonable price or access to value-multiplying agricultural machinery, if there is a mutually-beneficial value-creation opportunity.


Our Offerings

Our offerings are diverse and highly customizable. To talk through a few, we deliver agricultural inputs including seeds, fertilizer, and insecticide directly to you. Our prices are some of the best on the market, resulting from our close relationship with suppliers.

Additionally, we offer financial packages, which can be dispatched through a mobile money or bank transfer. Depending on the situation, we might also be able to source farming machinery to aid with harvesting, threshing or drying. We are flexible and can pivot our offerings based on your particular need. Contact us and let's see what we can work out!

Our offerings are diverse and highly customizable. To talk through a few, we deliver agricultural inputs including seeds, fertilizer, and insecticide directly to you. Our prices are some of the best on the market, resulting from our close relationship with suppliers. Additionally, we offer financial packages, which can be dispatched through a mobile money or bank transfer. Depending on the situation, we might also be able to source farming machinery to aid with harvesting, threshing or drying. We are flexible and can pivot our offerings based on your particular need. Contact us and let's see what we can work out!


Payment & Repayment

For most of our offerings, payment is required before delivery. Unsurprisingly, this excludes our credit packages. For our loan offerings, during your initial consultation, we aim to lay out repayment terms that give you enough flexibility to handle life's challenges.

If something happens which hampers your ability to repay a loan, please contact us immediately. Our contact Information is visible on the bottom of this page.

For most of our offerings, payment is required before delivery. Unsurprisingly, this excludes our credit packages. For our loan offerings, during your initial consultation, we aim to lay out repayment terms that give you enough flexibility to handle life's challenges. If something happens which hampers your ability to repay a loan, please contact us immediately. Our contact Information is visible on the bottom of this page.

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